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Pro Wrestling Palskis

Jun 26, 2021

The Palskis are talking all about Wrestling PPV Names, from the good, to the bad, to the absolutely fugly. What do they mean anymore? Do they actually help sell tickets or buys? Are events named after matches inherently better, or worse? Exactly WHOS balls are great and WHY are they on fire?! 

News of the week includes...

Jun 19, 2021

Today the Palskis are talking all about unlikely tag-teams and how the formula of an odd couple has brought some people incredible success, and others terrible awful shame. Also teams that found each other out of necessity, boredom, or even last ditch efforts at relevance. 
News of the week includes two wrestling...

Jun 10, 2021

The boy are updating their classic Patreon Series, WWE Encyclopedia for the new era of Pro Wrestling Palskis, which includes the brand new, recently gifted, "4th Edition" of the famed hardcover book! The topics are up to the fates as they pick random pages and discuss whatever they see! This week finds them...

Jun 3, 2021

When WWE releases yet another handful of talent including recent Championship contender and headliner like Braun Strowman, the show topic just sort of falls into our lap! The constant releases, changes, and more have the web speculating on the state of WWE. So lets talk about it! It's Then. Now. Endeavored! The Current...